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Fred and I have been windsurfing since 1984/85. Our parents lives just 2 minutes from one of the best lakes to windsurf on in Denmark so it was a pleasant alternative to sitting on the park bench in Holte (our home town) and watching the young school girls. No seriously - it is a great sport with a lot of speed and adrenaline involved. It's not as life threatening as kayaking, off-piste skiing/boarding or crossing gorges in Spain on wires 70 meters above the ground, but you do feel pretty much alone when you are skinning away over the waves on a big ocean on your little board.

The great thing (bad thing?) about windsurfing on lakes - which is what I have done most - is that you don't have that interesting perspective of drifting of to sea hitting the coast of Norway, Poland or even England a few days later. Furthermore you don't have very big waves which means that you can really get a lot of speed on you board.

I bought my own board around '89 and it was a really great fun-board but it went in to decay after a couple of years. This usually only showed when the wind was really strong. Once I was out there on the lake in seriously strong wind on my own (which was usually the situation) and as I am flying over the water suddenly the mast and board separates resulting in the board continuing with 100mph in front of me leaving me with the mast and sail in the middle of the foaming water. Time for making fast decisions. Should I leave the sail (which didn't necessarily float) and go for the fast disappearing board or should I try to keep the sail floating and see what would happen? Well I didn't think that potential drowning was worth a 5.4 m2 Mistral sail (which wasn't even mine) so I started swimming after the board. I took a while before I caught up with it and I managed to get in to shore and luckily the rig was floating and was nice and steadily floating in to shore. So I survived.

One of the ultimate places to windsurf is Vesterhavet on the west coast of Denmark and this was where I windsurfed last, when - as a result of some of the greatest windsurfing I've ever done - my old faithful board broke in two pieces. Luckily the wind was onshore, so I just drifted in to land and I was actually almost able to windsurf on the one half.

But I am currently without a windsurfer which is a big mistake - so if you have a spare one for sale send me an email.


Fred started surfing in San Diego while he was staying down there for a couple of months. Mathias caught up on a trip to Bali and lately we have been enjoying this awesome sport in various places in Mexico on our trip in January 1999.

Unfortunately we don't have many cool photos from our adventures amongst the waves. It is bloody difficult to shot some proper photos from the shore and the ones we have always seem to turn out rather tame. Maybe it is because we haven't surfed some really big stuff yet.We have yet to visit the "Green Room" as the dudes call it - the pipe or whatever - that has to be the ultimate tick on any surfers ticklist.

We got some really good runs done on the Baja Peninsular - an excellent place called Todos Santos. There is something for anybody - small waves, big waves, sandy bottoms, rocky stuff, you name it. They even rent a superb selection of boards for next to nothing. We both like the 8.2 size a lot - it sort of seemed to be a good compromise between the long board and the really small wave board.

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